IND annual report 2024: more penalties because of more legal proceedings
Once again, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) got more work done in 2024 than in the year before. More…
In November, the number of asylum applications fell slightly compared to the previous months. Still, the influx remains higher than expected. A total of well over 3,500 first time applications were submitted, in common with some 160 repeated applications and more than 830 in connection with family reunification. The influx cases are also more complex than before. Consequently, the implementation of the asylum process by the IND comes under pressure.
By 2021, an influx of about 18,000 first time asylum applications had been taken into account. Expectations are, however, that the number will arrive at anything between 23,000 and 25,000 first time applications. The result is a significant task, as State Secretary Broekers-Knol (Asylum and Migration) already said in the House of Representatives.
Currently, 93 per cent of the stock of first-time asylum applications (a total of 12,590, reference date 1 December) is within the statutory decision period. To keep it that way, some 6,400 asylum applications will have to be processed in the first quarter of 2022. The IND makes every effort to ensure that each application is decided on carefully and timely.
To process all 2021 applications on time, the IND must increase its current capacity of processing approximately 450 asylum cases per week to around 600. To this end, the IND will have to start working in a more target group-oriented and project-based manner. The IND is also examining other arrangements for the influx of family members joining the asylum seekers and for shorter interviews in promising cases. A flexible team for the registration process is being worked at for the longer term.
In addition to the more than 80 employees who joined the IND from the Task Force earlier put into action, also more people need to be hired and trained. In today's labour market, attracting new employees is a considerable challenge. Apart from that, training interviewers and decision-makers takes between 9 and 12 months.
By 2022, the IND will be equipped to process 22,000 first time asylum applications. If the influx continues to increase, the IND expects a rise of stocks in the next year, despite process optimisation and continued investment in staff capacity.
In practice, the higher inflow currently causes asylum seekers to have to wait longer for an application interview. At present, the waiting period is four weeks on average. The IND considers this undesirable and aims at extra application interviews to prevent a further increase in the waiting period for the applicants. However, aiming for more application interviews has its limits, as staff relocation has consequences for making asylum decisions. The more staff members are involved in application interviews, the fewer staff members can make decisions. All asylum seekers are registered immediately upon arrival to determine who is waiting for identification by the Aliens Police.