IND annual report 2024: more penalties because of more legal proceedings
Once again, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) got more work done in 2024 than in the year before. More…
From next week, registered refugees from Ukraine can have an appointment to go the IND in Rijswijk and Den Bosch for proof of residence. With this proof (usually a sticker in a passport), they can demonstrate that they fall under the European Temporary Protection Directive and are allowed to live and work in the Netherlands until at least 4 March 2023. From today, it is possible to make an appointment. The number of appointment options will be expanded when more locations become available across the country in the coming weeks.
The online appointment planner has been realised together with the Dutch Council for Refugees (in Dutch: Vluchtelingenwerk or VWN) and can be accessed via Ukraine: appointment to collect proof of residency and the platform On this website, information is also available in Ukrainian and Russian. Refugees who are registered with the local council can make an appointment there. It is not possible to come to one of the locations without an appointment.
In recent months, refugees from Ukraine stayed in the Netherlands within the visa-free period. By means of proof, they can also demonstrate formally that they are in the Netherlands legally. Authorities may ask this.
Countries in Europe have different ways to deal with refugees from Ukraine who want to travel. It is important that Ukrainians with travel plans prepare well and gather information about their countries of destination and transit.
From Monday 4 July, the IND will start in Brabanthallen in Den Bosch and on Tuesday 5 July in Broodfabriek in Rijswijk. From 18 July, proof will also be issued in Assen. Now, it is not possible yet to make an appointment for this. Locations in the central Netherlands and northern Randstad will follow shortly. New dates and locations are continuously being added to the online appointment tool. To prevent crowds, it is advised to make an appointment in the own region when possible.
The IND hopes that everyone will be able to make an appointment before 1 September. This depends in part on the availability of enough employees to staff the locations.
Before proof of residence is issued, the IND checks the registration with the local council, identity documents, and whether someone falls under the Temporary Protection Directive.
On site, refugees must fill in two forms. In the Netherlands, it is required to sign an asylum application to fall under the European Directive. The asylum application will not be processed as long as this directive is in force. In addition to the asylum application, refugees must fill in a certificate on which they state whether they have ever committed a punishable offence or crime. Everyone aged 12 and over must fill in this statement.