Regular temporary residence permit extension

Last update: 16 October 2024

You want to extend your regular temporary residence permit (Type I) because it expires within 3 months. Find out what the requirements are and how to apply for extension.

Do you have a temporary asylum residence permit (Type III)? Then visit the web page extend temporary asylum residence permit.

Do you have a residence document verification against EU law for Union citizen family members? Then visit the web page verification against EU law for Union citizen family members.

Do you have a temporary asylum residence permit (Type III)? Then visit the web page extend temporary asylum residence permit.

Do you have a residence document verification against EU law for Union citizen family members? Then visit the web page verification against EU law for Union citizen family members.


  • You have a valid residence permit that you can still extend. You cannot extend the residence permits for the following residence purposes:
    • Working Holiday Program/Working Holiday Scheme
    • Cultural exchange
    • Au Pair
    • Stay as a trainee or student on work placement
    • Orientation year Netherlands
  • You still meet the requirements for your residence permit. For these requirements visit the web page about the residence permit that you have
  • You have a valid passport or another travel document.
  • Your main residence is in the Netherlands. This means that you live in the Netherlands and spend most of your time there. 
  • You are not a danger to public order or national security.
  • During the application for the residence permit you have now, you did not give any false information. And you did not withheld information.  

Process and costs

These are the steps in the application process for the residence permit:

Show details Hide details
  • 1. Check requirements open minus
  • 1. Check requirements open minus
  • 2. Collect documents open minus
  • 2. Collect documents open minus
  • 3. Apply open minus
  • 4. Pay for application open minus
  • 3. Wait for decision on application open minus
  • 5. Wait for decision on application open minus
  • 6. Decision on application open minus
  • 7. Collect residence permit open minus

Application forms

You can submit this application online. You must have DigiD with SMS verification and internet banking (iDEAL). Has your residence permit expired? Or were you unable to apply online? Then use the written application form.

Online application form for extension of your residence permit

Written application forms

Download the right form if you prefer to fill in the application in writing and send it by post.
Application for extension of residence permit for residence as family member or relative (sponsor) 7533
Application for extension of residence permit for residence as family member or relative (foreign national) 7536
Application for extension of residence permit for temporary humanitarian and permanent humanitarian (foreign national) 7537
Application for extension of residence permit for economically inactive long-term third country national from outside the EU (foreign national) 7538
Application for the purpose of residence of 'study' Higher education (recognised sponsor) 7504
Application for the purpose of residence of 'study' Secondary and vocational education (recognised sponsor) 7505
Application for the purpose of residence of 'study' International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (recognised sponsor) 7506
Application for extension of residence permit for study at institution for secondary or senior vocational education (foreign national) 7534
Application for the purpose of residence of ‘paid employment’ (recognised sponsor) 7510
Application for the purpose of residence of 'highly skilled migrant' (recognised sponsor) 7511
Application for the purpose of residence of ‘scientific researcher’ (recognised sponsor) 7512
Application for the purpose of residence of 'European blue card' (recognised sponsor) 7513
Application for extension of residence permit for work-related purposes of residence (sponsor) 7532
Application for extension of residence permit for work-related purposes of residence (foreign national) 7535
Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning voor arbeidgerelateerde verblijfsdoelen GVVA (referent) 7047 (only available in Dutch)
Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning voor arbeidgerelateerde verblijfsdoelen GVVA (vreemdeling) 7048 (only available in Dutch)
Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning voor het verblijfsdoel ‘arbeid in loondienst - Aziatische horeca’ GVVA (referent) 7057 (only available in Dutch).
Did the employee receive a permit after 1 January 2022 for the purpose of residence 'paid employment in Asian Catering Industry'? Then you cannot use this form. You apply for extension using the form Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning voor arbeidgerelateerde verblijfsdoelen GVVA (referent) 7047 (only available in Dutch).
Aanvraag voor een gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid (GVVA) (erkend referent) 7042 (only available in Dutch).
Application for the purpose 'Transfer within a company' (Directive on Intra Corporate Transferees 2014/66/EU) (for a recognised sponsor) 7560
Application for the purpose of stay 'Intra Corporate Transfer/Mobile ICT' (Directive 2014/66/EU) (recognised sponsor) 7563
Application for the purpose of stay 'Intra Corporate Transfer' (Directive 2014/66/EU) (sponsor) 7561
Application for the purpose of stay ‘Intra Corporate Transfer/Mobile ICT’ (Directive 2014/66/EU) (sponsor) 7564